My Child

Sometimes he can be a nightmare. At least for me. He is usually a very good baby; calm and quiet, plays with his toys. Hell he even lets me sleep a little extra in the mornings some days. Today was not one of those days. Today has not been a good day for him. I am pretty sure his canines are coming through. They tried to once before, like a week ago, but they went back up. 

He was showing all of his tired signs. Rubbing his eyes, saying “mama” over and over again, pulling at the blanket on my lap. So I picked him up and out him to sleep. He is still swaddled, so that part is pretty easy. After wrapping him up he just falls asleep. (Sidenote: Not excited about stopping the swaddling. We let it go on way to long.) This time he didn’t fall right asleep. He laid in his crib for maybe 10-15 minutes before he started making noises. 

I go get him and he’s all smiles and giggles. I love my baby when he’s like that. He didn’t want to be put down, so we watched a video on YouTube, and then we was ok with being put down. For all of 5 minutes. Then he started fussing and showing tired signs again. This time he thought it would be fun to pull my books out, and throw toys at me. When he’s this tired he gets violent. 

Went to go lay him down. I think he’s down for real this time. I hope so. I need to do dishes. 

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